MSL30118 Certificate III in
Laboratory Skills

The MSL30118 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills qualification covers the skills and knowledge required to perform a limited range of laboratory operations across all industry sectors and is the entry level required for laboratory personnel across all industry sectors.
Employment outcomes targeted by this qualification include laboratory technicians, instrument operators and similar personnel.
This qualification consists of thirteen (13) units of competency, of which there are six (6) core units and seven (7) electives.
- MSL913003 Communicate with other people
- MSL913004 Plan and conduct laboratory/field work
- MSL922001 Record and present data
- MSL933006 Contribute to the achievement of quality objectives
- MSL943004 Participate in laboratory or field workplace safety
- MSMENV272 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
Selected by the student / employer upon consultation with ABC Training and Consulting staff. We can provide a customised elective stream in the following industry areas:
- Construction
- Soil
- Concrete
- Road Works
- Mining
- High School Scientific Operations
- Pathology
Approximately 12 - 24 months.
Competency based training has a flexible duration. Learners are provided theory content consisting of reading content, videos and formative assessment activities. Trainers then visit on-site to provide further practical training, issue the summative assessment, conduct practical observations and discuss your progress with your supervisor.
Consists of $300 per unit of competency plus a $300 enrolment fee.
Refer to our Fees and Refunds policy for specific information about when fees are invoiced and how refunds are applied.
You may be able to access funding for this qualification to help offset the cost of the fees. Refer to the tabs below to see if there are any funding options available in your state.
User Choice (Traineeships)
The User Choice Program provides a public funding contribution towards the cost of training and assessment for eligible Queensland apprentices and trainees. The User Choice Program is funded under the Queensland Department of Education and Training.
Students must be a trainee and have signed training contract that has been approved for funding. Trainees must be Australian or New Zealand citizens or Permanent Residents and reside in QLD. There is a limitation of two funding contributions under User Choice funding.
User Choice Co-contribution Fees
As part of the User Choice Program is it a requirement that a co-contribution fee be collected*. This fee may be paid by you or on your behalf by an employer or another third party. User Choice Co-contribution fees are normally invoiced as one payment in the first few months of the traineeship.
Fees under the User Choice program are set at $1.60 per nominal hour for each unit of competency to be calculated at the commencement of the unit of competency.
This means that a qualification with 13 units of competency and a total of 580 nominal hours the co-contribution fees will be:
- $1.60 x 580 hrs = $928
Fees may vary depending on electives chosen, as the nominal hours may be longer or shorter than the other units of competency. Students who are eligible for a concession (40% of full rate) must supply sufficient evidence at enrolment.
* If you are aged under 21 years you are exempt from any co-contribution fees.
Certificate 3 Guarantee (C3G)
The Certificate 3 Guarantee Program supports eligible individuals to complete their first post-school Certificate III qualification. The skills attained help to support students to develop skills to pursue employment, re-enter the workforce or advance in their chosen field of work. The Certificate 3 Guarantee funding is provided by the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) under their VET Investment Program.
Students must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian permanent resident, residing in Queensland and aged 15 years or over and no longer attending school. Prospective students must not have or be enrolled in a Certificate III level or higher qualification (not including any qualifications completed whist at school or in foundations skills training).
There is a limitation of one funded qualification under C3G regardless of provider or industry, students must make an informed decision prior to enrolling into any funded qualification.
C3G Co-contribution Fees
As part of the Certificate 3 Guarantee Program is it a requirement that a co-contribution fee be collected. This fee may be paid by you or on your behalf by an employer or another third party. Students who are eligible for a concession must supply sufficient evidence at enrolment. C3G Co-contribution fees are:
- $10 per unit of competency ($5 per unit of competency for concessional students).
Concession Eligibility Criteria (all programs)
Concessional status applies to students / trainees who:
- Hold a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or are the partner or dependent of a person who holds either of these cards; OR
- Are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; OR
- Have a disability; OR
- Are an adult prisoner.
Additional waivers may be applied if the co-contribution fees are likely to cause extreme financial hardship. This decision is made on a case-by-case basis at the time of enrolment.
Smart & Skilled (Traineeships)
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training system. It’s helping people get the skills they need to find a job and advance their careers.
Smart and Skilled provides eligible students (trainees) with government subsidised training up to and including a Certificate III level qualification.
To be eligible for a Smart and Skilled funded traineeship a student must meet the following criteria:
- Be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Permanent resident.
- Be aged 15 years or over.
- Live or work in NSW.
- No longer attending secondary school.
Co-contribution Fees
As of the 1st January 2020 Smart and Skilled traineeships are fee free, therefore there is no co-contribution fees required from the student or the employer.
Skilled Capital
Skilled Capital is an ACT Government funded program that provides subsidised training in qualifications and skill sets where there are skills needs in the ACT. There are lots of jobs that are in high demand in the ACT
but there are not enough people with the qualifications to do them. The ACT Government can pay for part of the training in the qualifications needed for these jobs.
For more information on Skilled Capital please refer to the Skilled capital website
Co-contribution Fees
As a requirement of the Skilled Capital funding program, students are required to contribute to the cost of their training, except where the student is eligible for a concession. The current co-contribution fees for Students accessing a funded qualification under Skilled Capital is $350.
Apprentice/Student Completion Payment
All eligible Skilled Capital students, and eligible Australian Apprentices (who commenced after 1 January 2016), can claim a completion payment of $300 (for Skill Sets the completion payment is $100). To qualify, you must not have completed more than 50% of your training via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer. See link for more information Apprentice/Student Completion Payment
User Choice (Traineeships)
The User Choice Program is an annual grant program that provides training subsides to RTO’s to help cover the cost of providing quality training and assessment for nationally recognised qualifications to Tasmanian apprentices and trainees.
To be eligible for User Choice funding a trainee must meet the following criteria:
- Be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Permanent resident.
- Be of working age.
- Not be a secondary school student (unless undertaking a School Based Traineeship).
- Live in Tasmania.
Co-contribution Fees
Under the User Choice program a co-contribution fee is required. Depending on circumstances students may be eligible for a fee concession (evidence is required).
The co-contribution fee is:
- $350 (or $175 for concessional trainees).
Concession Eligibility Criteria
Concessional status applies to students / trainees who:
- Hold a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or are the partner or dependent of a person who holds either of these cards.
- Are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.
- Have a disability.
- Are a refugee or asylum seeker.
User Choice (Traineeships)
The Northern Territory Government is committed to building a skilled and competitive workforce to meet the needs of industry and business and fill job opportunities created by continuing strong economic growth in the NT. User choice funding is provided to Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to provide training and assessment to apprentices and trainees to achieve nationally recognised qualifications.
To be eligible for User Choice funding a trainee must meet the following criteria:
- Be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Permanent resident.
- Be aged 15 years or over.
- Live or work in NT.
- Be a New Worker (an employee who has been employed for less than three months full time or 12 months part time or casual).
Under the User Choice program Existing workers undertaking traineeships are not funded unless they:
- Are entering a traineeship with the same employer they worked for while at secondary school.
- Are progressing to a higher level qualification within the same National Training Package, no more than 12 months after completing a previous traineeship. Only one progression is funded.
- Are an Indigenous person.
Co-contribution Fees
There are no co-contribution fees for Northern Territory traineeships.